Crunch/Chest Lift - Personal Trainer Exeter Mark Hayward

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Crunch/Chest Lift

INFO > Exercises
The chest lift a.k.a. the crunch is a fantastic core exercise. Make sure you lift and lower under total control to engage the deep core muscles.

If you lift up quickly or drop back down you will not hit the muscles that support your spine, just the superficial ones and could create a muscle imbalance, leading to back pain.

Really focus on your breathing as you move- exhale and really pull in your abdominals as you rise, making sure the pelvis stays still.

Make sure each repetition is smooth and flows, you don't want to strain by trying to lift further than is necessary.

Area Worked

Anterior and interior torso

Pilates abdominals Exeter
Muscles Worked

How to Perform Safely

• Lie face up on an exercise mat, have your spine in neutral and your knees bent to 90 degrees.
• Place your arms out in front, parallel to your shoulders, or behind your head with fingers interlaced.
• Inhale then exhale and bring you shoulder blade two inches off the ground, by flexing the spine.
• Maintain a small gap between your chin and chest at the top position, the upper spine should be slightly curved. Do not strain to lift, go as far as is comfortable. Keep shoulders down and relaxed.

Weight loss Devon

• Inhale and slowly lower back down, keeping the tension in your abdominals and shoulders very slightly off the ground. You may rest your head on the ground or keep it slightly off to maintain tension.

Created with WEBSITE X5
Personal Training
Weight loss
30+years experience
07972 775428
77 Chantry Meadow
Exeter EX2 8FU
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